イブニクル外典 / ALICE SOFT

ALICE SOFT / イブニクル外典

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キャラクターの人気投票結果やおまけシナリオを含めた、ちょっぴり番外編的な「イブニクル外典」! 無料ですので、是非ダウンロードしてみてください!!

an eroge that has Nan Yaegashi art! : Life/10 , Home town/10

All I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed the story as much the ero part.

The art itself already sells itself to me since knowing how S*nran K*gura will never have a proper sequel moving forward. So here I am enjoying all the Nan Yaegashi art i can enjoy and it did not disappoint.

Over all

story wise it is enjoyable
